The space in which the small church of San Filippo stands has been inhabited since ancient times.
The first documents attesting to the presence of the Templars in San Filippo de’Plano date back to 1187. The Romanesque chapel seems to predate the arrival of the knights on the belvedere.
The commandery was located at the crossroads of two trade routes: the Salaria, heading north, and the Flaminia, heading south. The territory with the fertile land thanks to the irrigation of the Musone river was thus productive and strategic.
Between 1264 and 1284, under Bishop Benvenuto, the area of San Filipo had 16 mills of which some toponyms (“Mulino San Filippo”, “Mulino San Polo”) remain today.
After the dissolution of the Order of the Temple, the estate was handed over to the Order of the Hospital, but the fate of the Templars of San Filippo still remains a mystery.